Tag: coyote behavior

The Latest News about Coyote 09M

Coyote 09M

Coyote 09M, like others of his species, is extremely smart. He’s beaten the odds and is thriving in a dangerous and competitive environment. 09M’s one of the lucky ones; in fact he’s now the only confirmed living member of his natal family. Despite being highly intelligent and quick learners, only 50% of coyote pups live […]

City Coyote Moves to the Suburbs

Coyotes 09M and mate

I used to have mixed feelings about coyotes. When I was a child late at night, I loved drifting off to the howls, barks and yips from coyotes—their vocalizations added depth to my sleep. While I felt in awe of coyotes, at the same time I was afraid of them. I grew up hearing stories […]