August, a Visual Essay

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The trail cameras do a great job of documenting the seasonal changes. It’s hot and water is becoming scarcer. August wasn’t as active in the wildlife department as in previous months, but we did film some bobs, Coyote 09M and deer.

Along with the reduction in predators, the cameras have only caught a couple of woodrats and rabbits—favorite menu items for coyotes and bobcats.  Hopefully this is just a natural cycle and not a situation influenced by humans.  Wildlife, when left to their own devices, are efficient conservationists. Predators have large territories that include different areas with abundant prey. After chowing down on available prey in one area, they move to another good hunting area in their territories. They don’t eat all of the prey—there are always some that escape the hungry predators, quickly reproducing and repopulating the area over time.


We almost stepped into a pile of poop last week next to the primary camera. Some animal had purposely scraped and defecated in the middle of the trail, marking territory. I thought either a bobcat, fox or a Chihuahua. One of the other cameras cleared up the mystery.

Another way bobcats mark is by spraying. This is a popular spot that bobcats spray almost every time they go by it. This short trail, ends at the edge of the creek next to a clear pool of water.

Check out this bob crossing the busy street during rush hour traffic.

Wow! Impressive canines.

Bobcat on his way to the creek

Bobcat walking to the creek


I’m glad to see that 09M is sticking around the canyon. Although the cameras film him frequently, lately, they’ve rarely caught him with his mate. It’s also been about one month since we last recorded the puppies.


A sharp, loud noise startled this deer. Turn up the sound and listen to the beginning of the video, it sounds like a gun. What do you think?

One of the canyon’s resident deer attempts to cross the busy road. She does this often, but this time is startled back by a car. Good for her, she’s cautious and has street smarts.


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