July’s wildlife video highlights include a coyote puppy, bobcats and 2 cars. Yup… cars. Bobcats One of the ways bobcats mark is by scraping the ground with their back feet and then either urinating or defecating in the scrape. We have a lot videos of this gorgeous bobcat. He’s active at all hours of the […]
Category: Articles
Featured Videos of the Month: June, a Visual Essay
June was a visually exciting month on the trail. A mountain lion visited a week ago—he stayed for a couple of days before moving on. There’s a new bobcat on the trail he sports a beautiful dark coat. And, our resident coyote, 09M, continues to make his mark. Mountain lion A male mountain lion visited […]
City Coyote Moves to the Suburbs
Rat Poisons Aren’t Selective
San Mateo, California is an affluent, suburban community where residents enjoy mild weather and amenities such as up-scale restaurants and specialty shops. In addition to people, common rats also enjoy living the good life here. They’ve adapted well to the near-perfect climate all year round and the gourmet food that is just a short scurry […]
Bobcats and Feral Cats on Patrol
“Cats are cats” was the response from my zoologist friend as we compared how bobcats and feral cats select, patrol and live in their ranges. Thanks to our trail cameras we have hundreds of 20 second videos to watch—superb vignettes of the resident bobcats on patrol in the canyon. Like all felids, bobcats and feral […]
Predators Scent Mark a Popular Spot on the Trail
Predators including bobcats, mountain lions and coyotes who don’t want to share resources as well as those who do, are adept at communicating their intentions through scent marking—to their own as well as other species. And often, they scent mark on top of each other’s mark. It’s not always in the best interests for predators […]
Dusky-Footed Woodrats Help Save a Canyon
I’ve never been particularly partial to rodents who resemble rats. In fact, I try to avoid them. That changed after one of my wildlife cameras filmed a number of surprisingly adorable, industrious little rodents gathering sticks and leaves late at night. This was my first introduction to the fascinating dusky-footed woodrat. (Neotoma fuscipes). These little […]
Our Wildlife Cameras Record Everything
Finally it’s the beginning of summer and the trails are alive with activity—human and animal. Our wildlife cameras are capturing it all, including those changes that are caused by natural seasonal cycles as well as adaptations in animal behavior that are likely influenced by people out on the trails day and night. Summer changes The […]
A Diversity of Animals Share a Popular Trail
Camera #4 films the most activity of the 6 cameras I’m monitoring. It’s located in an ideal spot for sighting animals—on a trail that follows a creek at the bottom of a lush canyon. A wide diversity of wildlife and humans use this trail 24 hours a day. I understand—it meanders through a cool forest […]
Long Distance Relationships with the Local Wildlife
Our trail cameras have spied on a rich array of wildlife, including bobcats, foxes, mountain lions, coyotes and deer. Many of them are regulars—repeatedly visiting the cameras for the last 6 months. I’ve gradually learned to recognize individuals. Through recognition comes attachment—I confess that I’ve named some of them. These 4-legged visitors have great reasons […]